
We rely on the support of volunteers to do our work, from visiting prisons, writing letters or helping in the office. Our volunteers give their time, skills, energy and experience to make a real difference to the lives of people in prison. Could you help us?

We have around 110 volunteers across the UK in a variety of roles:

What’s involved?

  • Prison support volunteers help people on long sentences prepare for life after prison. They offer support in planning and preparing pre-release, offer the help to access financial and practical support as a person nears their release date, and provide ongoing support after prison over the phone. 
  • Penfriend volunteers commit to long-term letter writing with individuals in prison.
    Applications to be a penfriend will re-open in July ’24.
  • Office volunteers help us to keep the charity running, supporting day-to-day tasks such as administration, post, phone calls and emails.
  • Fundraising and communication volunteers support our team in raising the voice of people on long sentences through our communications and fundraising efforts. Assisting our team with social media pages, and fundraising opportunities.

“It has been good to make a human connection with someone in such a difficult place, and to feel I might be able to keep his outlook at least a little bit positive. I hope someone would do the same for me if I found myself in a similar position. M has been able to write with pride about his children, which has been very touching. I certainly feel the experience has been very worthwhile for both of us.”


We are always open to other volunteer roles and would like to hear from individuals or companies that have specific skill sets they would like to offer.

Find out about volunteer vacancies

Contact us for other ways you can help

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A man is leaning on a fence and is smiling

Together we can create a future where everyone can achieve their potential within and beyond prison.
Can you help?